Sunday, April 25, 2004

Off I Go!!

Another Vacation
I'm going back to Europe for 6 weeks; I just can't stay away. While I haven't planned this trip all that thoroughly (I have not booked any hotel rooms or train tickets), I am determined to return to some beloved destinations and explore a few fresh ones. After having been invited to visit some friends in Helsinki and follow them to St. Petersburg, I decided to make it a longer trip so I may visit Ukraine, Romainia, Greece, and Hungary.

On Christmas Eve Joen and Anders, my close Finnish friends, called me from Helsinki and wished me Merry Christmas. I first met the "Fins" in St. Petersburg; the three of us attended the same Russian language classes during the summer of 2002. We hadn't spoken much since my New Year's Trip last year, when I visited them for more than a week. We caught up a bit on the phone, and as it turns out, they were planning a return trip to St. Petersburg in the spring. They invited me to come, and I said I would join them if they could make it for a week. They said yes, and I was locked into a spring trip to Europe.

During our Christmas conversation I was not sure when in the spring I could go. I knew I was taking the Foreign Service Exam but had no idea for when it was scheduled. They told me to call back with definite dates. I called my friends on New Year's Eve and told them I could be there anytime after April 26. It is imperative that I be in Helsinki on May 1st, being the biggest party day of the year. I think its a cross between Cinco De Mayo and St. Patty’s Day. So it was set. I would be in Helsinki by May 1, and we would go to St. Petersburg directly. A trip to Helsinki and Russia is pretty exciting, but flying to Eastern Europe for just 10 days didn't seem right to me. Not only that, there are plenty of destinations I've missed over the years. So after some deliberating, I decided to make it six weeks - six weeks overseas visiting new places and filling out My Portfolio with photographs.

How to Get There?
Getting the airfare settled was no easy task. First, my father offered me access to his Delta miles. This was quite a blessing, but utilizing these miles can be a challenge. I spent four hours calling and speaking with various Delta agents, finally settling on Air France from LAX to Budapest via Paris on April 26. Though I planned to begin my trip in Helsinki, it makes absolutely no sense to fly there directly. My plan is to visit a few different countries, traveling by train as far south as Greece. Taking trains from Helsinki to Greece and back to Helsinki would be entirely too far for a six week trip. Instead I traded my father's miles for a
round-trip fare from Los Angeles to Budapest and a round-trip flight from Budapest to Helsinki. I will end my trip in Hungary, which is quite a bit closer to Greece than Finland. With me so far?

By the Seat of My Pants
I get to Helsinki on April 29. This gives me a couple days in Budapest to unwind and get ready for my long voyage. Once I get to Helsinki, I have no official itinerary. From here on, I will fly by the seat of my pants.

Scene of the Crime
From Helsinki we plan to take a train to St. Petersburg - returning to the scene of the crime. The three of us spent four weeks tearing up the night life of this little city. Unfortunately Anders will not make it much farther than home. He has exams the first two weeks of May. We will definitely have a few cocktails in his honor. I can imagine we will be back to our old tricks again - dancing at метро (Metro) and eating курица (chicken). :)

Old Tricks
I forgot to tell you why Joen and Anders were going to Russia to begin with. It seems that Joen needs a bride, and thinks St. Pete is the ideal place to go. Not really. The weather should be quite a bit colder than here. I'm expecting 50 degrees!! How sick - I'm leaving 70 degree weather to freeze my butt off. Regardless, we should have a great time. I miss St. Petersburg - it is one of the most gorgeous cities I have ever seen.

After I leave the "Fins" with a big hangover at the northern train station, I will make my way to Kiev. Unfortunately Kiev is quite a distance from St. Pete. The route to Kiev goes directly through Moscow. I think there is a high-speed train from St. Pete to Moscow, but I have only taken the overnight version. I’ll find out when I get there. From Moscow I need to take an 8 or 10 hour train ride to Kiev. I might spend a day in Moscow just to shake off the travel - we'll see.

Kiev, Ukraine
I have never been to Kiev, but according to Randall it should be a lot of fun. It's less expensive than St. Pete, and I hear the nightlife is just as exciting. I expect a beautiful old city - I'll try to send a photo from there so you all can see. After a few days there, freezing and muddy, I know I'll be ready for some beach. So next - I'm heading for the Crimea.

What is the Crimea?
The Crimea is a Ukrainian peninsula that projects into the Black Sea. This is quite literally THE vacation spot of the Former Soviet Union. It is the southernmost tip of the European FSU. This garden spot is where they grow oranges - their Florida. I plan to spend a few days in a bathing suit on Black Sea beaches. Hopefully the weather will be good by this time. From here I go to vampire country - yes!! I will be heading to Transylvania, where I will be sure to put in a good word to Dracula for you. :)

Transylvania is in the picturesque mountains of Romania. To get here I need to take a train through Moldova. We are talking at least another 8 hours of travel - probably more like 12. But there should be amazing photo opportunities when I get there. I can hardly wait. From the mountain & countryside, I will be heading to the city. Bucharest is the capital of Romania, and I hear it is an amazing night spot. I will probably get my fill of nightclubs and dancing - that should be perfect.

More beach time
I wanted to spend a little time in Bulgaria, but it will probably not happen. I will be training through Sofia, the capital, to Athens, Greece. If my timetable is right, I might hit Sofia for a day or two - cross your fingers. Otherwise, I will be sitting on a beach on some Greek isle at right about this point. I wonder if everything I hear about Greece is true. I'll try to get a few sand and surf shots for you.

Family Time
I took my last trip to Europe the winter before last. I purposefully skipped Hungary - why you ask? Well, I wanted to see Budapest with my father. He grew up there and left when he was still an adolescent. I plan to see Budapest for the first time with him. As we were discussing the trip, my sister and brother-in-law expressed an interest in joining. So, much of my family will be joining me in Hungary to see from where my father came.

Going Home
By this time I will have spent six weeks in Europe. I will have lost something, broken something, and probably suffered at least one travel emergency. I'll be tired, and hopefully not too sick. I fly home via Paris and New York - Yuck!! Unfortunately I will not be home for long. On June 13 I will be flying to Asia for work. That should be just the right amount of time to wash clothes and pack again.

Not Home for Long
That's right. My largest customer will be flying me to Guam and the Philippines for a couple weeks. While there I will upgrade a 60 station network. Remember, by this time I will have traveled from Budapest north to Helsinki, south to Greece, and north again to Budapest. Let's hope I can hold my head up while working. Anyway, Guam is as beautiful as any Hawaiian Island, and I plan to soak up a ton of sun and cocktails while there. After a short stint in the Philippine Islands, I will be home.

Home at Last
By this time and probably much sooner, I will be missing you all. Hopefully I will regale you with stories and excite you with photos. See you in a couple months!!


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